12-lead ECG

It is useful for the evaluation of the electrical changes that occur during the cardiac activity.

The ECG is carried out to check if the heart is suffering and if its rhythm is regular or not.

The information provided by the electrocardiogram allows to identify:

  • The presence of any heart rhythm anomalies or irregularities (arrhythmias);
  • The presence of enlargements in the whole heart or in some of its parts;
  • The presence of electrolyte imbalances

Report provided in a short time

The baseline electrocardiogram at rest is a simple exam and does not require any special preparation, it is painless, not invasive and risk-free.

It is carried out with the application of electrodes to the thoracic area and to the limbs (upper and lower limbs).

To carry out the basic ECG trace, the adhesive electrodes that are applied to the patient are 10.

There are 4 electrodes that need to be applied to the limbs, while 6 electrodes need to be applied to the chest.

These electrodes record 12 leads which are the 12 points of view of the heart.

The electrocardiogram is an exam that takes just a few minutes and you can carry out it at the pharmacy receiving the report in a short time.

Reliable report

Hospital quality

Report provided in less than one hour

12 leads

Report provided in a short time

The baseline electrocardiogram at rest is a simple exam and does not require any special preparation, it is painless, not invasive and risk-free.

It is carried out with the application of electrodes to the thoracic area and to the limbs (upper and lower limbs).

To carry out the basic ECG trace, the adhesive electrodes that are applied to the patient are 10.

There are 4 electrodes that need to be applied to the limbs, while 6 electrodes need to be applied to the chest.

These electrodes record 12 leads which are the 12 points of view of the heart.

The electrocardiogram is an exam that takes just a few minutes and you can carry out it at the pharmacy receiving the report in a short time.

What is an ECG?

The electrocardiogram is the graphic recording of the electrical activity of the heart and the variations that occur during the cardiac contraction (systole) and the relaxation (diastole) of the atria and ventricles while our cardiac muscle is working.  The data is collected thanks to the usage of electrodes placed above the body surface.

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