Our best guarantee is more than 500.000 reports drawn up in the whole of Italy, a team of medical specialists headed by Dr. Massimo Gualerzi, and cutting-edge medical devices that guarantee the reliability, precision, and quality.
Why are health checks so vital? Cardiovascular diseases are the leading cause of death in Europe and America, and ultimately even in the developing countries. In the last few years, the number of deaths in the world has risen dramatically, reaching an average of 48% (54% for women, 43% for men).
What should we do? We should start to take care of ourselves even when we are still in good health. It will allow us not to get sick but to gain super health* getting into a good habit in which the obtained energy will be invested in achieving other goals and live better and longer”.
ActiveAction aims to help you do so, bringing patients closer to cutting-edge specialist exams.
*quote taken from Supersalute by Massimo Gualerzi, Claudio Rinaldi, Sperling & Kupfer, 2013.